Apply now to become a: Translator

Why translate with us?

Flexible schedule

You have the opportunity to work your own hours.  Working on our platform you can work as little or hard as you like.

Choose projects thats suits you

Gaibo Translation will have plenty of work for you throughout the year.

Reliable payment schedule

We follow a 7 day payment schedule for completed jobs and we use PayPal to pay translators. Earn between US 6 to 15 cents a word.

Latest technology

Our online system is easy to use and accessible via mobile phone, tablet and PC.


All language translators.

Translate documents from one language to another

You can earn extra income depending on customer demand, job allocations and your work schedule. Translators can earn up to an average of $500 per month! * (US 6 to 15 cents per word).

*You will be required to accept payments via PayPal.